viernes, 12 de octubre de 2007

Stand under my umbrella

Ella Ella, Ay ay ay...

Yes it would be nice if it stopped raining here. Ever. But c'est la vie, I'm still loving it. Fun things to do in the rain include: watching Entourage on Will's laptop, trying to go to museums but somehow not making it, working on eating our endless supply of jamon cocido y queso casero, having fun with the Metric System (Will is 1.88 tall; I am 1.70)... and learning how to convert Fahrenheit into Celsius, which you do by first subtracting 32, then multiply by 5/9, run around the block and do a little dance. If you're lucky, you won't come up with an answer that even people with mathphobia know is ridiculous... ("So the boiling point of water is... negative 5? Wait...")
Anyway, we haven't gotten to see as much of the city as I'd like with this Seattle-esque weather, but we DID make it to a true cultural landmark on Wednesday:

Yes, that's right, the ONLY Kosher McDonald's in the entire world outside of Israel. (In the Abasto mall at Corrientes & Anchorena.) It didn't seem much different than other McDonald's except for the noticeable lack of cheese on the menu and the fact that cashiers tried to guilt you into eating more than you wanted.

More fun & adventures with culture shock coming soon. Although I have to say, there hasn't really been too much of that. The people here are just as friendly & helpful as I remembered... I keep waiting to meet someone who is rude/ unhelpful/ impatient with my broken Castellano, but it hasn't happened yet.

& if we ever get homesick...

2 comentarios:

Lauren dijo...

standing tall at 1.53 baby!

Unknown dijo...

Enjoying your blog! Want to hear about the other haute cuisine you have been lucky enough to try. Sunny out here in Berkeley today so we hope the same for you down south too. Don't have too much fun,

H & A