lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2008

Happy gnocchi day! Feliz ñoquis del 29!

In case you didn't know, the 29th of each month in Argentina is Gnocchi Day! Can you imagine a better holiday? It comes once a month, not just once a year, and the whole purpose is to celebrate food. More details & quite a nice little article here. The bottom line is that we eat ñoquis on the 29th because of something having to do with payday, either that on the 29th you are poor and waiting for your paycheck, and flour & potatoes are cheap, or that you're celebrating that you got your paycheck, or that you put money under your plate because it's financially auspicious. Something like that. Somewhere along the line all the supersticions mixed in my head and I started to believe that you are actually supposed to put gnocchis under your pillow on the night of the 29th for good luck and prosperity, but I'm pretty sure that's not true. It sounds messy.
Anyway, E & I are going to Las Violetas, my favorite favorite old school BA café, for my last Gnocchi Day in Argentina. ¡Buen provecho!

And some more pictures of gnocchi to get you in the mood...

5 comentarios:

Katelyn Lyster dijo...

i couldn't imagine a better day, than a day devoted to gnocchis!! ciao bella see you soooonnn!!

sarah dijo...

see you soooooon bebe!

Gilgalad dijo...


congratulations! Enjoy your holiday! hope you'll be back soon.

Marce dijo...

Seems like you are enjoying your last few days here :) And Las Violetas is one of my favorite old school cafes too, it´s like all of the beauty without the stiffness factor.

sarah dijo...

I hope i'll be back soon too!

yes I am definitely making the most of my last few days here. and I have a big soft spot for Las Violetas b/c my first apartment here was right across the street on Rivadavia. I love almagro, too, and it's such a nice alternative to being surrounded by english & camera flashes at cafe tortoni.
