martes, 26 de febrero de 2008

Politics Shmolitics

Can you totally hear the duran duran when you look at this photo? Yes, it's adorable Barack Obama and his high school basketball team. Although, he's way not as cute as John Edwards. Le sigh.
But I digress. I just read one of the most heinous & silly articles ever - Obama: First Female President? by Martin Linsky, who apparently is a faculty member at Harvard. Which just went down a few points in my opinion.
What does Mr. Linsky say?
That Hillary is acting the masculine role because she portrays herself as an "experienced realist," while Barack is not afraid to show the (feminine?) characteristics of optimism, being unsure of himself and admitting his mistakes, and wanting to talk about problems.
Whatever, read the article, see what you think. But let me say that I am a women's studies major, and we don't like people who obviously know nothing about gender trying to gloss over such a complicated topic.
A quick google search found that cutie pie John Edwards was also called The First Woman President in the NY Sun. Because he cares about freedom of choice.
I guess it's a cute tagline for these scholars & journalists, but seriously? It's ignorant and offensive in sooo many ways.

So, blah blah blah, enough politics.

Still bored & looking for an online timesuck? Read this, oh and in case you were wondering, I'm a Hillary girl. And not just cuz we have the same birthday.

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