domingo, 20 de abril de 2008

Smoke gets in your eyes

So... nice weather we've been having. Unless maybe you've been living under a rock (or in the USA), you probably know that Buenos Aires is drowning in smoke from fires up north for the fifth day in a row. They are crop fires that, if you listen to the government, were started by reckless and/or conniving farmers. Ugh, who knows. I just want it to end.
You know when you've been in a super smoky underground club all night, and it's so gross, and you can't breathe, and you can smell the smoke in your hair and feel it on your skin? And all you want to do is emerge into the cool fresh air? Well, it's kind of like that except you can't escape. Really. Most of the highways leading out of the city are closed and the domestic airport is cancelling flights. Boo.

Well, what you can you do in this smoke but find new destinations in the city for art, culture, and air conditioning?

Today was Museo Xul Solar, Las Violetas (one of my favorite old school Buenos Aires cafés), Abasto shopping, and Casa Museo Carlos Gardel. With mi mama querida visiting me, I am getting to revisit & visit for the first time some nice touristy places. Museo Xul Solar was fantastic - lovely art, a super cool space, and lots of clean air! The others were smoky - but nice.

by Xul Solar...

Love his work!

Abasto & Gardel Museum

Pray for us here in la ciudad del humo... we've had about all the feo we can handle this week.

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