martes, 8 de enero de 2008

You're Hired!

What??? I just sent out my resume this morning and I already have a class to teach and 6 more job interviews in the next 48 hours. Anyone who says it's hard to find work as an English teacher in BA obviously doesn't have the good folks at EBC Madrid behind them. Within hours my email & voicemail were filled with requests for interviews - interviews that, as I learned today, are more like friendly, casual conversations that inevitably end with a job offer. My first job? Teaching English to an exec at Clarín, Argentina's largest newspaper.
Looking for jobs at home is an excruciating process of obsessive craigslisting, answering bullshit questions such as "what is your greatest strength, and what is your greatest weakness?" in job interviews, waiting and waiting for months, lowering your expectations, and secretly looking at job ads for exotic dancers.
And I'm sure that if you are Argentine, finding a job in Argentina is just as hard as for an estadounidense to find a job in the United States.
But, for an English teacher in BA, it's pretty simple - yeah, a college degree and some work experience are helpful, but your main qualification is being able to speak your own language. And of course, the TEFL certification... A degree that actually helps you get a job? That in fact, leads directly to a specific career path? I'm sorry, I majored in the Social Sciences, you'll have to explain that concept to me.
My point is, it's a very unfamiliar experience to actually turn down offers of job interviews, to breathe a sigh of relief when there are no new emails from institutes in my gmail inbox.
Not that teaching English is so glamorous - hours spent sweating it out in colectivos on the way to jobs in every corner of the city, hours of prep time and studying the mess that is English grammar, horrible pay, with no hope of a work visa...

But who am I to complain? I have a job!!! I'm going out to celebrate.

1 comentario:

Unknown dijo...

Hi Sarah,

Congrats! I write this as Will and Erik are practicing for an upcoming show. Teaching English to a CEO sounds like a great first gig.

I only wish I had some of your TEFL training, as I am now teaching ELL's at Cornell School.
Have fun,